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Publication Issue Title
Culture, corpora and semantics. Methodological issues in using elicited and corpus data for cultural comparison Chapter 6 - Semantic associations of chocolate and wine in the Italian and English cultures  PDF
Francesca Bianchi

Lingue e Linguaggi Volume 27 (2018) - Special Issue Rewriting Romeo and Juliet for a young audience. A corpus-assisted case study of adaptation techniques Details  pdf
Francesca Bianchi

Lingue e Linguaggi Volume 16 (2015) - Special Issue Frontespizio  pdf
Francesca Bianchi

Lingue e Linguaggi Volume 14 (2015) - Special Issue Part 2 - title  pdf
Francesca Bianchi

Lingue e Linguaggi Volume 12 (2014) Studi  pdf
Francesca Bianchi

Culture, corpora and semantics. Methodological issues in using elicited and corpus data for cultural comparison Chapter 5 - The current study: materials and method  PDF
Francesca Bianchi

Lingue e Linguaggi Volume 24 (2017) - Special Issue Colophon  pdf
Francesca Bianchi

Lingue e Linguaggi Volume 16 (2015) - Special Issue Colophone  pdf
Francesca Bianchi

Lingue e Linguaggi Volume 10 (2013) Sezione recensioni  PDF
Francesca Bianchi

Lingue e Linguaggi Volume 14 (2015) - Special Issue Part 1 - title  pdf
Francesca Bianchi

Lingue e Linguaggi Volume 12 (2014) Table of contents  pdf
Francesca Bianchi

Culture, corpora and semantics. Methodological issues in using elicited and corpus data for cultural comparison Chapter 4 - Marketing research  PDF
Francesca Bianchi

Lingue e Linguaggi Volume 17 (2016) Indice  PDF
Francesca Bianchi

Lingue e Linguaggi Volume 10 (2013) Sezione Studi  PDF
Francesca Bianchi

Lingue e Linguaggi Volume 14 (2015) - Special Issue Table of contents  pdf
Francesca Bianchi

Culture, corpora and semantics. Methodological issues in using elicited and corpus data for cultural comparison Chapter 3 - Corpora and corpus linguistics  PDF
Francesca Bianchi

Tourism and tourist promotion around the world: a linguistic and socio-cultural perspective Tourism and tourist promotion around the world: a linguistic and socio-cultural perspective  PDF
Elena Manca, Francesca Bianchi (eds.)

Lingue e Linguaggi Volume 17 (2016) Studi  PDF
Francesca Bianchi

Lingue e Linguaggi Volume 10 (2013) Colophon Details  PDF
Francesca Bianchi

Lingue e Linguaggi Volume 14 (2015) - Special Issue Frontespizio  pdf
Francesca Bianchi

Lingue e Linguaggi Volume 20 (2017) - Special Issue Strategie discorsive del mercato turistico del lusso in Facebook Details  pdf
Francesca Bianchi

Culture, corpora and semantics. Methodological issues in using elicited and corpus data for cultural comparison Chapter 2 - Culture  PDF
Francesca Bianchi

Lingue e Linguaggi Volume 17 (2016) Frontespizio  PDF
Francesca Bianchi

Linguaggi specialistici e traduzione tecnica Representing and Redefining Specialised Knowledge: Medical Discourse Preface to this volume  PDF
Anthony Baldry, Francesca Bianchi, Anna Loiacono

Lingue e Linguaggi Volume 15 (2015) Colophone  pdf
Francesca Bianchi

101 - 125 of 162 Items << < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 > >> 

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