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Issue Title
Vol 5, No 2 (2019): International order and the reconfiguration of power: dynamics of change in the political economy of Russia and China Gendering the Costs of the Political Economy Transition in Russia Details  pdf
Rosa Mulè, Olga Dubrovina

Vol 8, No 1 (2022): The Women, Peace and Security Agenda: Time to Gild the Cracks? Guest Editors: Clara della Valle, Elisa Piras Local Voices in Transnational Spaces Diaspora Activists and the Women, Peace, and Security Agenda Details  pdf
Alexandra Cosima Budabin, Natalie F. Hudson

Vol 5, No 1 (2019): Civil Wars, Insurgencies, Armed Politics What About the Civil Society? A Micro-Level Assessment of Crisis Response Mechanisms in Libya Details  pdf
Laura Berlingozzi

Vol 4, No 2 (2018): Informal markets, politics and social practices: inter-disciplinary contributions to unpack a manifold concept Gender and Informal Institutions, by Georgina Waylen (Ed.). London: Rowman & Littlefield International, 2017, pp. 238  pdf
Laura Berlingozzi

Vol 7, No 2 (2021): DOUBLE SPECIAL ISSUE Female Fighters and Deadliness of Terrorist Campaigns in Civil War Details  pdf
Margherita Belgioioso, Jennifer Philippa Eggert

Vol 8, No 1 (2022): The Women, Peace and Security Agenda: Time to Gild the Cracks? Guest Editors: Clara della Valle, Elisa Piras Conceptual resources for gilding the cracks. Non-essentialist vulnerability and epistemic justice Details  pdf
Elisa Piras

Vol 6, No 2 (2020): "Turkey in 2000s: Change within Continuity, Continuity within Change" - Guest Editors: Aslı Telseren, Şirin Duygulu Changing Gender Politics in Turkey throughout the 2000s: A Feminist Analysis of Gender Policies Pursued by Justice and Development Party (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi - AKP) Governments Details  pdf
Aslı Telseren

Vol 8, No 1 (2022): The Women, Peace and Security Agenda: Time to Gild the Cracks? Guest Editors: Clara della Valle, Elisa Piras A Gramscian Reading of the Attack on Women’s Freedom and on their Role in Establishing Peace and Security in Illiberal Democracies Details  pdf
Sevgi Dogan

Vol 8, No 1 (2022): The Women, Peace and Security Agenda: Time to Gild the Cracks? Guest Editors: Clara della Valle, Elisa Piras The WPS Agenda in the Eastern Mediterranean: The Cases of Greece, the Republic of Cyprus and Turkey Details  pdf
Fotini Bellou, Kalliopi Chainoglou

1 - 9 of 9 Items

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  • Use parentheses to create more complex queries; e.g., archive ((publication OR conference) NOT theses)
  • Search for an exact phrase by putting it in quotes; e.g., "open access publishing"
  • Exclude a word by prefixing it with - or NOT; e.g. online -politics or online NOT politics
  • Use * in a term as a wildcard to match any sequence of characters; e.g., soci* morality would match documents containing "sociological" or "societal"

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