What About the Civil Society? A Micro-Level Assessment of Crisis Response Mechanisms in Libya


This study intends to highlight how a holistic approach to stabilization in providing services, improving security, and empowering local actors should pay particular attention to engaging every segment of the Libyan society, especially women. As it is fundamental for the future of Libya’s governance to analyze what stabilization implies, the analysis discerns the individual determinants that shape civilians’ perceptions of stability. The study employs data from the Third Wave of the Arab Democracy Barometer (2012-2014). Relying on OLS regression analysis, the research finds that including gender equality and women’s empowerment in the stabilization agenda, as well as ensuring the promotion of democracy and human rights; the implementation of gradual reforms; establishing a trustworthy and effective government; and fighting corruption are core issues identified by Libyans as elements contributing to a successful stabilization approach, thus avoiding the risk of falling back into a violent path.


DOI Code: 10.1285/i20398573v5n1p115

Keywords: Libya; Crisis management; Stabilization; Gender


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