Comparing two mean humidity curves using functiona t-tests: Turkey Case


Abstract: The goal of thisstudy is to show the usefulness of functional t tests and rainbow plots as aguideline. Meteorological data like humidity is used for this aim. In thisstudy, functional t-tests are used in order to observe if humidity meanfunctions of coastal area and hinterland of Turkey are statistically different.Turkey is selected because of its variable geographical landform and locationand their effects on humidity. On the other hand, analysis for ten years ismade in order to observe if these expectations changes in years. Rainbow plots,which are one of the graphical presentations, are used to interpret changes inyears. Additionally, functional t-test results for 10 years are presentedgraphically and interpreted.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i20705948v7n2p254

Keywords: Keywords: Functional data analysis, functional t-tests, Fourier series, meteorological data, rainbow plots.



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