- » Focus and Scope
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- » Abstracting and Indexing
- » Publication Ethics
Focus and Scope
Transitional Waters Bulletin is expected to have a wide audience, encompassing scientists in research institutes, universities, industry, environmental organisations and all level of government as well as aquatic habitat managers and policy makers concerned with these issues.
Contributes on the following topics are strongly encouraged:
- Transitional water ecology & phenomena
- Species distribution in relation to varying environments
- Transitional water sedimentary processes and bio-geochemistry
- Modeling of transitional water ecosystems
- Habitat typology and community classification
- Theoretical principles underlying ecosystem health surveillance and monitoring
- Impact assessment research and study cases
- Management, conservation and rehabilitation of habitat and communities
- Sustainable and adaptive management of the natural heritage of transitional landscapes including historical and socio-ecological adaptive management
- Methodological innovations or new technical developments in the fields of more general interest
- Technical reports on taxonomic databases
- Legal framework for conservation
Types of contributions
Research articles – Research articles report original research results that are never published before on the main topics of the Journal. Submissions may contain up to 20 manuscript pages, roughly 5000 words with an up to 200 words abstract. Manuscript longer than 20 manuscript pages, up to 50 manuscript pages, can be accepted as Articles. The increased length of Articles relative to Reports must be justified by their scientific content and significance. The abstract can have a maximum of 350 words. Anyway, papers should not contain more than 8000 words, and not more than 8 figures and 3 tables.
Data articles - Data papers are expected to be detailed descriptions of lagoon abiotic and/or biotic components. Papers should contain extensive data reports: 1. on physical and chemical characteristics of either water column or sediments; 2. on biotic components, as species lists of both animals or plants. Data papers are required to report an accurate description of all methodological aspects of the sampling procedures and sample analysis. Authors are encouraged to organize data paper dividing introduction, methods and results description from data lists that have to be reported in Appendix.
Review articles –Review articles are expected to be pivotal papers providing synthetic overview, critical commentary, historical and multidisciplinary perspective, primarily by established scientists and outstanding experts in transitional aquatic ecosystem ecology and management. Reviews will be generally invited papers, but aspiring authors should feel encouraged to contact the Editor-in-Chief.
View point articles, Brief notes and Editorials –Are short papers discussing specific scientific themes of recent interest, or new science frontiers. These are generally invited papers, but aspiring authors should feel encouraged to contact the Editor-in-Chief. The structure of these papers is free but a brief abstract of maximum 200 words is required and papers could be no longer than 5 pages.
Project Reports - Reports and articles are expected to disclose original and innovative work that substantially advance a field, overturn existing ideas or enhance the knowledge on transitional water ecosystems at eco-regional level. Reports are expected to be concise and effective presentations of theoretical, analytical, experimental, empirical, historical, or descriptive work, with an average length of 5-6 printed pages.
Theme section, Special Features & Forums - Special Features are intended to address a theme of particular contemporary interest and that is likely to be of broad concern to transitional water scientists and managers, as well as to a more general audience. A Special Feature should explain an unfamiliar topic or an area in which there has been considerable present progress or interests. Special Feature format is more flexible than Reports and Articles, but generally encourages very concise and effective papers contributing to each Special Feature. Forums can be in different formats but always include commentaries solicited from a number of experts. These commentaries represent personal views or responses to papers considered to be of very broad interest or significance within the fields covered by the journal.Section Policies
Research articles
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Data articles
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Review articles
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
View point articles, Brief notes and Editorials
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Project Reports
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Theme section, Special Features & Forums
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
IV Lagunet Conference Proceedings
Editors- Salvatrice Vizzini
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Tarquinia Salterns Special Issue
Editors- Roberta Cimmaruta
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Publication Frequency
The journal is published in four issues per year.
Open Access Policy
This publication provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
There is no APC or submission fee to publish a work in this journal.
Abstracting and Indexing
Transitional Waters Bulletin is covered by following indexing and abstracting databases:
- Zoological Records
Publication Ethics
Transitional Waters Bulletin (TWB) takes the commitment to comply all possible measures against any publication malpractices and plagiarism.
All authors submitting their manuscripts to the TWB for publication as original articles, short notes, reviews or invited papers, attest that they are based on authors’ contributions and have not been copied or plagiarized in whole or in part from other works. The authors should declare any actual or possible conflicts of interest with their work.
All the submitted papers considered relevant with respect to the themes and the objectives of the TWB, will undergo two rounds of a fair double-blind peer-review process, in way to prevent any possible conflict of interests.
Any ethic violation should be reported to the Editor in Chief who will take the necessary actions.
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e-ISSN: 1825-229X