Author Details

Jawad, Laith A.

  • Volume 41 (2019) - Articoli
    Asymmetry in Chrysichthys Auratus (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1809) (Siluridae) and Mugil Cephalus Linnaeus, 1857 (Mugilidae) from Lake Ahémé (Bénin, West Africa)
    Abstract  PDF
  • Volume 41 (2019) - Articoli
    Fishery management in the lower Mesopotamian regions: population structure of Hyporhamphus limbatus (Valenciennes, 1847)
    Abstract  PDF
  • Volume 41 (2019) - Articoli
    Flushed with the flood: the raimbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss in the Shatt Al-Arab River, Basrah, Iraq
    Abstract  PDF
  • Volume 41 (2019) - Articoli
    Lacking the floor of the mouth: a case study on Coptodon zillii (Cichlidae) from Shatt Al-Arab River, Basrah, Iraq
    Abstract  PDF
  • Volume 41 (2019) - Articoli
    Fish length and otolith size of in Nemipterus randalli Russel, 1986 (Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Nemipteridae) collected from Gökova Bay, Turkey
    Abstract  PDF
  • Volume 42 (2020) - Articoli
    Cases of anomalies in the goldfish Carassius auratus collected from the southern marshes of Iraq
    Abstract  PDF
  • Volume 42 (2020) - Articoli
    Fixation, preservation and freezing effects on morphometrics of two fish species collected from Lake Ganvié, Benin, West Africa
    Abstract  PDF
  • Volume 42 (2020) - Articoli
    Two new fish with maximum size records from the Eastern coasts of Saudi Arabia
    Abstract  PDF
  • Volume 42 (2020) - Articoli
    The relationship between total length and length & width of the in Otolith of three sparid fish species collected from Iraq waters
    Abstract  PDF
  • Volume 43 (2021) - Articoli
    The common dolphinfish Coryphaena hippurus linnaeus, 1758 (Perciformes, Coryphaenidae) in the marine waters of Iraq
    Abstract  PDF
  • Volume 43 (2021) - Articoli
    Sailfin velifer, Velifer hypselopterus Bleeker, 1879 (Perciformes, Veliferidae) in Oman waters: a new substantiated record from the Arabian Sea coast of Oman
    Abstract  PDF
  • Volume 43 (2021) - Articoli
    The relationships between body and otolith size of the blueline snapper Lutjanus coeruleolineatus (Rüppell, 1838) collected from the coasts of Oman, Arabian Sea
    Abstract  PDF
  • Volume 44 (2022) - Articoli
    Meristic and morphometric characters of Saurida tumbil (Actinopterygii: Aulopiformes: Synodontidae) from Iraq
    Abstract  PDF
  • Volume 44 (2022) - Articoli
    Partial and hyper-melanic pigmentation in fishes collected from the marine waters of Iraq, Arabian Gulf
    Abstract  PDF
  • Volume 44 (2022) - Articoli
    The oscar, Astronotus ocellatus (Agassiz, 1831) (Cichlidae): a deliberate aquarium trade introduction in the Euphrates River, Iraq
    Abstract  PDF

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e-ISSN: 1591-0725