Frontespizio e pagine iniziali | Details PDF |
1-2 |
Drinking water quality determination through the water pollution indicators, Elbasan district | Details PDF |
Marilda Osmani, Sotir Mali, Belinda Hoxha, Lirim Bekteshi, Piro Karamelo, Nikolin Gega | 3-10 |
Anomoeodus (neopterygii, pycnodontiformes) in the Turonian marly limestone of the 'Azilé series', of the surroundings of Owendo, Gabon | Details PDF |
Luigi Capasso | 11-22 |
Atypical characteristics in blackmouth catshark, Galeus melastomus (Chondrichthyes: Scyliorhinidae) from the Algerian coast (southern Mediterranean Sea) | Details PDF |
Christian Capapé, Abderrahmane Kassar, Christian Reynaud, Farid Hemida | 23-32 |
Occurrence Ocypode cursor (Linnaeus, 1758) (Crustacea, Decapoda) in Salento (southern Italy) | Details PDF |
Giorgio Mancinelli, Francesco Belmonte, Genuario Belmonte | 47-52 |
Fishery management in the lower Mesopotamian regions: population structure of Hyporhamphus limbatus (Valenciennes, 1847) | Details PDF |
Jassim M. Abed, Laith A. Jawad, Ana L. Ibánez | 71-84 |
A shoal of bluntnose sixgill shark Hexanchus griseus (Chondrichthyes: Hexanchidae) from the Tunisian coast (Central Mediterranean) | Details PDF |
Mohamed Mourad Ben Amor, Khadija Ounifi-Ben Amor, Christian Capapé | 85-90 |
Palaentological evidence of piscivorous habits of some pycnodonts from the Middle Cenomanian of Lebanon | Details PDF |
Luigi Capasso | 91-110 |
First substantiated record of oilfish Ruvettus pretiosus (Osteichthyes: Gempylidae) from the coast of Senegal (eastern tropical Atlantic) | Details PDF |
Christian Capapé, Youss ouph Diatta, Almamy Diaby, Sihem Rafrafi-Nouira | 111-118 |
Flushed with the flood: the raimbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss in the Shatt Al-Arab River, Basrah, Iraq | Details PDF |
Laith A. Jawad, Adel Kasim Jassim, Mujtaba Abdul Wahab Tahir Ankush, Jassim M. Abed | 119-126 |
Lacking the floor of the mouth: a case study on Coptodon zillii (Cichlidae) from Shatt Al-Arab River, Basrah, Iraq | Details PDF |
Laith A. Jawad, Jassim M. Abed, Per G. Fjelldal, Atheer Hassain Ali, Taqi Abdulkareem Abdullah | 127-132 |
The tufted ghost crab Ocypode Cursor in the Salento Peninsula (SE Italy): new records from Caretta caretta nesting sites | Details PDF |
Giorgio Mancinelli, Maurizio Manna, Piero Carlino | 133-136 |
Fish length and otolith size of in Nemipterus randalli Russel, 1986 (Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Nemipteridae) collected from Gökova Bay, Turkey | Details PDF |
Umut Uyan, Laith A. Jawad, Halit Filiz, Ali Serhan Tarkan, Murat Çelik | 137-146 |
Quercus x caroppoi Medagli, Turco, Albano & Accogli, a new oak's hybrid from the Salento | Details PDF |
Piero Medagli, Alessio Turco, Antonella Albano, Rita Accogli | 147-156 |
Playing, thinking and communicating sciences: museum scientific disclosure on ludodidactic and graphic basis | Details PDF |
Maria Chiara Capasso, Alessia Fazio, Antonio Di Pietro | 157-174 |
The Sphingidae and Saturniidae (Insecta, Lepidoptera) of the Salento (Southern Italy) | Details PDF |
Antonio Durante, Gabriele Pellegrino | 175-182 |
Indice | Details PDF |
183-184 |
Colophon | Details PDF |
185-186 |

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