Moral Belief on Utilitarianism toward Misused Approach to Moral Evaluation
Moral Belief on Utilitarianism toward Misused Approach to Moral Evaluation, di Edlira Gjuraj (Tukaj) e Tonin Gjuraj People are always interested in what we mean when we use ethical terms such as: right, wrong, good, bad, duty, obligation, and so on, and how ethical terms should be used. Obviously such a broad topic as ethics cannot be adequately covered by a single paper, so we shall have to narrow our focus. Our aim will be merely produce a general view of some of the most important issues of an ethical idea known as utilitarianism which according to it, our moral actions can be considered as such due to the consequences they produce. It is the object of our paper to show and argue how utilitarianism alongside other ethical theories can conduct our personal morality and actions. Utilitarianism provides us an appropriate way when people face moral dilemmas. However, nowadays, people are becoming more and more different from one to another, and more characterized. As a result, people may focus on considering themselves. This paper is trying to present some of the concerns of the principle of utilitarianism which result from its ambiguity, and the change of its content from classical utilitarianism up to a more modern version. Utilitarianism, far from being a self-serving approach to moral issues, demands careful, objective, impartial evaluation of consequences. It is a widely used – but often misused – approach to moral evaluation.<<>>Intorno all'uso e al modo in cui dovrebbero essere utilizzati termini etici come giusto, sbagliato, buono, cattivo, dovere, obbligo e così via, c'è sempre un grande interesse. Ovviamente un argomento vasto come l'etica non può essere adeguatamente studiato in un singolo paper, quindi è necessario restringere il focus della nostra ricerca. Il nostro obiettivo sarà quello di offrire un quadro generale di alcune delle questioni più importanti della corrente etica nota come utilitarismo, secondo cui le nostre azioni morali possono essere considerate tali a causa delle conseguenze che producono. L'obiettivo del presente lavoro è quello di mostrare e argomentare in che modo l'utilitarismo, insieme ad altre teorie etiche, può guidare la nostra moralità personale e le nostre azioni. L'utilitarismo ci fornisce una via appropriata per affrontare i dilemmi morali. Tuttavia, oggigiorno, le persone stanno diventando sempre più diverse l'una dall'altra, sviluppando caratteristiche proprie. Di conseguenza, le persone tendono a concentrarsi solo su se stesse. Questo paper intende presentare alcune aspetti controversi che derivano dall'ambiguità del principio dell'utilitarismo e come il contenuto dell'utilitarismo è cambiato nel passaggio dalla sua versione classica a quella più moderna. L'utilitarismo, lungi dall'essere un approccio egoistico alle questioni morali, richiede una valutazione attenta, obiettiva e imparziale delle conseguenze. È un approccio ampiamente utilizzato, ma spesso abusato, per la valutazione morale.
Moral Belief on Utilitarianism toward Misused Approach to Moral Evaluation, di Edlira Gjuraj (Tukaj) e Tonin Gjuraj People are always interested in what we mean when we use ethical terms such as: right, wrong, good, bad, duty, obligation, and so on, and how ethical terms should be used. Obviously such a broad topic as ethics cannot be adequately covered by a single paper, so we shall have to narrow our focus. Our aim will be merely produce a general view of some of the most important issues of an ethical idea known as utilitarianism which according to it, our moral actions can be considered as such due to the consequences they produce. It is the object of our paper to show and argue how utilitarianism alongside other ethical theories can conduct our personal morality and actions. Utilitarianism provides us an appropriate way when people face moral dilemmas. However, nowadays, people are becoming more and more different from one to another, and more characterized. As a result, people may focus on considering themselves. This paper is trying to present some of the concerns of the principle of utilitarianism which result from its ambiguity, and the change of its content from classical utilitarianism up to a more modern version. Utilitarianism, far from being a self-serving approach to moral issues, demands careful, objective, impartial evaluation of consequences. It is a widely used – but often misused – approach to moral evaluation.<<
DOI Code:
utilitarismo; regole utilitaristiche; dilemma morale; credenze morali; Utilitarianism; rule utilitarianism; moral dilemma; moral belief
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