Enhancement of Women’s Representation and Evolving Political Myths on the North Coast of Java


This paper aims to examine the enhancement of women’s involvement in politics and the local community’s evolving myths in the coastal areas of Java. This study employs qualitative research, by selecting political and cultural figures as the main informants. The theoretical framework employed involves exploring the relationship between politics and myth, along with the theories of women’s political representation. The results of the research, conducted in the Pekalongan region of Java, show that women’s participation in local politics has increased. The region is known to have local communities that preserve ancient traditions, including a myth that stipulates that women should be among the candidates to serve in regional leadership. This research finds optimism for more women to become involved in politics.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i20398573v10n1p59

Keywords: Women; Myths; Descriptive Representation; Java; Indonesia


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