Seeing more clearly: Communities transforming towards justice in post-hurricane Puerto Rico


This study explored how a process of community transformation emerged in post-hurricane Puerto Rico. Most post-disaster research focuses on community and personal losses while little is known about strengths and positive outcomes. In the aftermath of Hurricanes Irma and María in 2017, vast structural injustices in Puerto Rico were made visible. Government aid for recovery was insufficient. Further, small, socioeconomically challenged communities received aid months after the main metropolitan area. In the midst of this collective trauma, accounts arose of transformative initiatives promoting climate justice and participatory democracy emerging across Puerto Rico. In this grounded theory study, residents from different communities in Puerto Rico (N=69) shared their post-disaster experiences. Results revealed a phase-based theoretical model of post-disaster community transformation. After experiencing collective trauma(s) — including both natural disasters and unjust delivery of recovery aid — community residents unanimously reported helping one another. In communities where leaders’ vision extended beyond reconstruction to pre-disaster levels, a process of transformation began. A series of psychological mechanisms facilitated or inhibited this process. Facilitators included a sense of community, posttraumatic growth, and critical consciousness. Barriers included leader burnout and interpersonal tensions. Community psychologists who are committed to climate justice issues can play a key role in strengthening post-disaster community transformation efforts through research, policy, and programming.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i24212113v6i2-2p22

Keywords: transformation, posttraumatic growth, climate change, psychology, Puerto Rico, critical consciousness, emergent disaster communities


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