Socio-political Responses during Recessionary Times in Greece: An Introduction


In the context of the recent global financial crisis – the most severe crisis since the Great De-pression – Greece has been heavily affected in almost all aspects of the economic, social, political and in-stitutional spheres. The implemented draconian austerity measures under the bailout mechanisms have led to devastating effects on the lives of citizens that have triggered a plethora of collective initiatives. The main rationale of the Special Issue is to capture the various facets of socio-political responses that have emerged from the aftermath of the Greek financial crisis. The Special Issue relies on original data produced in the context of two EU-funded projects, namely LIVEWHAT and TransSOL, and includes six papers apply-ing qualitative and quantitative methods, providing a rich set of fresh and systematic data on understand-ing the collective efforts of Greek citizens during recessionary times.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i20356609v11i1p1

Keywords: Alternative action organisations; crisis; degrowth; gender; Greece; resilience; social and soli-darity economy; solidarity economy; trade unions


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Papers published in this Special Section

Loukakis A. (2018), “Not Just Solidarity Providers. Investigating the Political Dimension of Alternative Action Organisations (AAOs) during the Economic Crisis in Greece“, PArtecipazione e COnflitto, 11(1): 12-37.

Papadaki M., S. Kalogeraki (2018), “Exploring Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE) dur-ing the Greek Economic Crisis“, PArtecipazione e COnflitto, 11(1): 38-69.

Petropoulou, E. A. (2018), “Social and Solidarity Economy. The Case of an Urban Consumption Co-operative in Greece”, PArtecipazione e COnflitto, 11(1): 70-94.

Zaimakis Y. (2018), “Autonomy, Degrowth and Prefigurative Politics: Voices of Solidarity Economy Activists amid Economic Crisis in Greece“, PArtecipazione e COnflitto, 11(1): 95-120.

Karakioulafis C., K. Kanellopoulos (2018), “Triggering Solidarity Actions towards Contingent Workers and the Unemployed. The Point of View of Grassroots Trade Unionists and Labour Activists “, PArtecipazione e COnflitto, 11(1): 121-144.

Papageorgiou Y., V. Petousi (2018), “Gender Resilience in Times of Economic Crisis: Findings from Greece”, PArtecipazione e COnflitto, 11(1): 145-174.

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