The Artist Irina Kowalska. To the South of Italy from Warsaw via Vienna


The artist Irene Kowaliska (her real surname is Kowalska), born in Warsaw in 1903, made an enormous contribution to the development of applied arts on the Amalfi Coast in the middle of the last century. She began as a ceramist in Vietri sul Mare, in the 1930s, continuing as a fabric designer (especially for batik) in the 1940s and 1950s in Positano. Her cosmopolitan roots – Jewish, Russian, Polish, – as well as her formative years in Vienna played a crucial role in the development of her own style. The creative output of Kowaliska is marked by her love for the Italian South and her desire to reflect its peculiarity. The post-war success of Moda Positano owes much to her talents.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v60p241

Keywords: Irene Kowaliska; applied arts; textiles; Amalfi Coast; Italian South


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