La specificità del francese d’Africa. Dal sincretismo linguistico all’identità linguistica: il caso del nouchi in Costa d’Avorio


Abstract – Even though French remains the official language of many African countries, it is not unusual, depending on the regions and the sociolinguistic context within which the speakers find themselves, to be able to find numerous specificities in the French spoken that diverge from the standard French spoken in Metropolitan France. We will see that in the first phase the French language imposed at the time of colonization becomes hybrid and transcultural, expressing the African point of view through a linguistic mongrel where only the local languages could express the realities which did not exist in Metropolitan France. Later we will discuss how the appropriation of French above all in urban areas became a means of communication stripped of its classical rules, where the local rules are privileged to bring life to a language in harmony with the construction of the identity of a country such as the Ivory Coast.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v16p649

Keywords: specificity; hybrid; transcultural; identity


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