La mediazione linguistica interculturale: il mediatore culturale e le sue competenze


Abstract – This chapter starts from the premise that a Masters course dedicated to Mediation should be clear about what ‘cultural mediation’ means in theory and in practice. As regards the theory, the chapter begins with an exploration of the meaning of the terms ‘mediator’ and ‘mediation’ both in terms of language mediation and cultural mediation. The competences necessary for successful Intercultural Communication (ICC) are discussed and a hypothetical organisation of competences for Cultural Mediators working with refugees is proposed, taking ideas from current inventories focussing on ICC. Two main areas are proposed: competencies based on Knowledge, Skills and Attitude; and also competencies related to Cultural Adjustment curves, taking the Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity as an example. The article then discusses the situation in practice, focussing in particular on Italy, concluding with other scholars that the habitus of the cultural mediator is still that of a professional and personal ‘zone of uncertainty’.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v16p365

Keywords: Cultural mediator; intercultural communication; competences; mediation


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