Recepción ambivalente del Futurismo en Argentina


The aim of this article is to analyze the reception of Italian Futurism in Argentina through, basically, some collaborations and discussions publicated in two literary magazines: Martín Fierro (1924-1927) and Inicial. Revista de la nueva generación (1923-1927) to show the ambivalent reception of the movement in the River Plate. The Argentinean reaction ranged from the celebratory tribute to the rejection, differently from the Spanish Ultraism, that admired the futurist motifs. We will also mention the Argentine painters who accused the influence of the Italian movement as well as another phenomena that allows us to speak of a “warm local adaptation” of the Futurism in the pages of Rovente (1924), a magazine published in Buenos Aires by Pietro Illari.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22390359v8p89

Keywords: Futurism ; Argentine avant-garde ; Martín Fierromagazine ; Inicial magazine


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