Teacher evaluation in the era of globalization: Teachers' views on evaluation, quality, and resilience in the Greek educational system


One of the implications of globalization for education is the introduction of teacher evaluation models worldwide based on managerial notions such as cost rationalizing, system efficiency and quality, accountability, professionalism and measurable educational outcomes. In the Greek context, a failed attempt was made to introduce a teacher evaluation policy in 2010-2014 based on international standards and requirements. The present qualitative study examines whether teacher evaluation models based on internationally set standards are seen by Greek teachers as promoting their resilience. It was investigated whether teachers considered that the attempted globalization-influenced reform took into account their identities and emotions, which are embedded in particular socio-cultural dynamics. Three focus groups and twelve individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with Greek primary school teachers. Results showed that, according to teachers’ views, evaluation models which are oriented towards cost-cutting and competitiveness among schools and teachers have negative implications for teachers’ resilience and school climate. Models based on school self-evaluation and in-service training is seen as promoting resilience. It is argued with the support of the empirical data that in a context where educational policies are heavily influenced by globalization tendencies, policy makers should take more into account the socio-cultural context of the educational community instead of opting for top-down educational policies, consider teacher resilience at the individual and organizational level when legislating and listen on teacher’s voices transforming this information into useful policy guidelines and education laws.


DOI Code: 10.1285/i24212113v4i1p1

Keywords: Teacher evaluation, Globalization, Resilience, Quality teaching, Socio-cultural context, Greek teachers


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