Guidetti, Paolo
Volume 26 (2002) - Articoli
Morpho-chronological observation on juvenile shoots of the seagrass Posidonia Oceanica
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Volume 27 (2004) - Articoli
Population dynamics of the seagrass Posidonia oceanica for evaluating meadow health status: a study case using reconstruction techniques
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Volume 27 (2004) - Articoli
Spacial distribution patterns of Coris julis and Thalassoma pavo (Pisces, Labridae) along the south-eastern Apulian coast (SE Italy)
Abstract PDF -
Volume 29 (2006) - Articoli
First record of the large-scaled goby, Thorogobius Macrolepis (Pisces, Gobiidae), in italian seas
Abstract PDF
e-ISSN: 1591-0725