e-ISSN: 2280-4250 PALAVER - CLASS A - Rating ANVUR
Palaver is a biannual scientific journal published on line by the University of Salento (Lecce, Italia: Coordinamento SIBA – Università del Salento); it has an international scientific committee, and an editorial staff composed of specialists in Cultural Anthropology, Linguistic and Literary Studies. Scientific contributions submitted for publication are peer reviewed, and assigned DOIs if published. Access to the journal is free. Palaver publishes scientific articles related to the various fields encompassed by Cultural Anthropology, Linguistics, Modern Foreign Languages, and covers issues concerned with cultural dynamics, intercultural relations, diasporas and related literary production, migration, and translation.
PALAVER is rated CLASS A by the Italian Academic Research Evaluation Agency (Anvur) for the area 11/A5.
Interested authors must consult the journals guidelines for manuscript submission at:
All article submission will be forwarded to one or two reviewers for peer review.
Palaver journal web address is: http://siba-ese.unisalento.it/index.php/palaver
Contributions can be submitted directly to the journal site or to the following email addresses: Eugenio Imbriani, Giovanna Gallo, Donato Martucci, Monica Genesin .
Frontespizio e pagine iniziali |
1-2 |
Introduzione. Cambiano le città. L'antropologia urbana tra sfide interpretative e trasformazioni dei territori in Italia |
Paolo Grassi, Giacomo Pozzi, Luca Rimoldi |
7-14 |
Mario De Matteis: tra Italia, Germania e Albania |
Immacolata Tempesta |
377-379 |
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