Generalized Fourier expansions for zero-solutions of surjective convolution operators on
It is well-known that each distribution
with compact support can be convolved with an arbitrary distribution and that this defines a convolution operator
, acting on
.The surjectivity of
, was characterized by Ehrenpreis [5]. Extending this result,we characterize in the present article the surjectivity of convolution operators on the space
of all w-ultradistributions of Beurling type on R.This is done in two steps. In the first one we show that
has an absolute basis whenever
, admits a fundamental solution
. The expansion of an element in
, with respect to this basis can be regarded as a generalization of the Fourier expansion of periodic ultradistributions.In the second step we use this sequence space representation together with results of Palamodov [15] and Vogt [17], [18] on the projective limit functor to obtain the desired characterization.It turns out that
is surjective if and only if
admits a fundamental solution. Hence the elements of
admit a generalized Fourier expansion for each surjective convolution operator
.Note that this differs from the behavior of convolution operators on the space
of w-ultradifferentiable functions of Roumieu-type, as Braun,Meise and Vogt [4] have shown. Note also that the results of the present article apply to convolution operators on

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