La televisione pubblica alla base della giovane democrazia spagnola = The public tv broadcasting at the bottom of the young Spanish democracy


The public tv broadcasting at the bottom of the young Spanish democracy. The article examines a long essay written by Virginia Martín Jiménez, a young scholar of Valladolid University, The Spanish tv and Democratic Transition. The political communication of Change (1976-1979), published by Ediciones Universidad de Valladolid in 2013. The book draws the history of Spain during a very special period, the transition from dictatorship to democracy. The author presents a very detailed version of the different steps moved by political and media actors: from the first video-speech by Adolfo Suárez (1976), Prime Minister charged by the king Juan Carlos of the Transition's political responsibility, to the campaign's broadcasting representation of the national elections after the new Contitution's approval (1979). The essay by Martín Jiménez represents a successful effort to combine historical, political and media investigations

DOI Code: 10.1285/i22840753n2p161

Keywords: Spanish Transition; political communication; television; Adolfo Suárez; Felipe Gonzáles

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