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Author Guidelines

All submissions to CSPS-WP Series  are evaluated by at least two anonymous referees. Upon acceptance.

Manuscripts should be printed on white opaque paper, using standard sizes (8.5 x 11 inches, or 210 x 297 mm). All text must be fully double spaced and printed in 12 point type. Maximum length is 80 pages. All pages must be numbered. Please include on separate sheets an abstract of 150-200 words and a title page with the name(s) and institutional address(s) of the author(s). Manuscripts should be free of all self-identifying references, acknowledgements, or other clues of authorship. Include e-mail addresses for notification of receipt of manuscript.

For guidance in the preparation of footnotes, citations, bibliography, tables, titles and headings follow the guidelines below:

All sources should be identified within the text by the last name of the author, date of publication, and page number. Page numbers must be specified when direct quotations are used. Pagination follows year of publication after a colon and a space. When possible, citations should be placed just before a period or other mark of punctuation. Give both last names for dual authors and use the word "and" not an ampersand (&).
Example: (Feinberg 1980, 92; Netter and Wasserman 1974, 332).
When the author's name is mentioned in the text the following forms should be used:
Example: “In a somewhat similar fashion, Kriesi (1991) and Kitschelt (1986) discuss contextual factors deriving from the movement's political environment.”
Distinguish multiple references by the same author by adding letters a, b, c, etc., to the year: (Tilly 1995a; 1995b). For more than two authors, give all last names in the first in-text citation (Snow, Rochford, Worden, and Benford 1986: 470) and thereafter use et al.(Snow et al. 1986, 465). Enclose a series of references by different authors within a single pair of parentheses and separate them with a semicolon. When the series includes several references by the same author, separate these references by commas: (Johnston 1991, 1992, 1993; Morris 1986; Aguirre 1995).


Footnotes (not endnotes) should be used, sequentially numbered in the text with superscript arabic numerals. Source citations are made in the text, not in the footnotes. Footnotes will be allowed only for content.


Tables and Figures:
One per page, and located at the end of the manuscript, numbered consecutively. Indicate the location in the text with “Table 1 about here.” Each table must include a descriptive title and column headings. Footnotes to tables should be headed, “Note” or “Notes” and specific notes referred to with a, b, c, etc. Use asterisks to indicate levels of significance; for example, * <.05, ** <.01, ***< .001. Illustrations, diagrams and charts should be referred to as “Figures” in the text. Upon acceptance, they must be camera-ready, and not need further artwork or typesetting.


All source citations in the text must be entered alphabetically in a separate, double-spaced section, entitled REFERENCES, placed at the end of the manuscript. The reference section must be complete and include only references actually cited in the text. The use of “et al.” is not acceptable. Please list the names of all authors. For titles of articles, the first letter of each word should be capitalized (except prepositions, conjunctions, and articles in the body of the title see below). Because titles of books and journals are printed in italic, editors request that authors use italics (not underlining) in the reference section. If appropriate, include the original year of publication.


Olson M. (1965), The Logic of Collective Action, Cambridge, Harvard University Press.
Gamson W.A., B. Fireman, and S. Rytina (1982), Encounters with Unjust Authority, Homewood, IL, Dorsey Press.


Kitschelt H. (1986), “Political Opportunity Structures and Political Protest: Anti-Nuclear Movements in Four Democracies”, British Journal of Political Science, 16(1), 57-85.
Snow D.A., E.B. Rochford, S.K. Worden, and R.D. Benford (1986), “Frame Alignment Processes, Micromobilization, and Movement Participation”, American Sociological Review, 51(4), 464-481.


Goldstone J., T.R. Gurr, and F. Moshiri (1991, eds.), Revolutions of the Late Twentieth Century, Boulder, CO, Westview Press.
Melucci A. (1988), “Getting Involved: Identity and Mobilization in Social Movements”, in B. Klandermans, H. Kriesi, and S. Tarrow (eds.), International Social Movement Research, Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, pp. 329-348.

Gerber B. (2003), Spring antiglobalization Mobilizations, Revised may 2, 2003, Retrieved June 15, 2003 (


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e-ISSN: 2239-7434