Generalized digital (k_0, k_1)-homeomorphism


The aim of this paper is to introduce a generalized digital (k_0, k_1)-homeomorphism of the digital curve and the digital surface in \mathbb{Z}^n.  The generalized digital (k_0, k_1)-continuity is studied with the n kinds of k-adjacency relations in \mathbb{Z}^n.  The k-type digital fundamental group of the digital image comes from the generalized digital (k_0, k_1)-homotopy, i \in \{0, 1\}.  Furthermore, we show how a digital (k_0, k_1)-homeomophism induces a digital fundamental group (k_0, k_1)-isomorphism.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i15900932v22n2p157

Keywords: Digital (k0, k1)-continuity; Digital $(k0, k1)$-homeomorphism; Digital curve; Digital surface

Classification: 55P10; 55P15

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