Salute, proattività e tecnologie digitali


Health, proactivity and digital technologies. Cultural practices aimed at improving the quality of life have undergone profound transformations, so much so that the social sciences have questioned the importance of 'digitalising' various aspects of the individual sphere, in an attempt to adapt sociality to the unstoppable technological change of the last twenty years. This paper intends to develop some fundamental questions for: a) the understanding of everyday actions, which promote, in this sense, behaviour at quality life improvement through the relationship that is established between subjects and urban spaces; b) a reflection on the technological transformations that are affecting the concept of well-being linked to active movement and health. Particular interest will be given to the scenario related to vulnerable subjects such as the elderly, for whom the aid of AI-oriented technologies allows them to practice regular motor exercise, with the aim of ensuring a happy and active ageing and a personal health monitoring.

DOI Code: 10.1285/i9788883051753p34

Keywords: active ageing; proactivity; health; digital technologies

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